If your organization has vehicles that they wish to know the location of, the vehicles can carry a mobile device (Android only phone or tablet) with SafeTrans installed on it.
When the driver wishes to share the location of the vehicle with Command, the driver will log into SafeTrans using a SafeTrans account and they can share the vehicle's location (similar to when a SafeZone user checks in on the SafeZone App) Location of vehicles is shared with Command users and not shared with SafeZone users.
The SafeZone vehicle and its icon
For organisations that run bus services (eg university bus service from the nearest train station or even between buildings on campus or different campuses), you can share the location of the bus and a map of the bus route (by adding an overlay) to the SafeZone users.
The SafeZone bus and its icon
For instructions on how to register a vehicle, please see the guide for Register Vehicle User.
To access the Vehicles menu, click on Admin -> Zone Configuration -> Vehicles
To enable the Buses menu option in the SafeZone app:
- Tick the check-box for Enable the bus option in SafeZoneApp.
- The SafeZone users will then be able to see the Buses menu when they tap on the menu icon in the SafeZone app (as per the screenshot below)
Bus overlays
It is recommended that if you are going to use SafeTrans to share the location of buses to the SafeZone users, you should create an overlay of the bus route which includes:
- the bus route showing the route of the bus as it travels;
- bus stops so that the SafeZone users can see where to wait for the bus;
- other pins for important points of interest (eg security office, safe waiting points (for users working late);
Create your bus overlay in Google Mymaps and save it in .KMZ or .KML format. Once you have completed the bus overlay you can then upload it to Command.
To upload the bus overlay:
- Click on Add Overlay.
- Click on Choose file to select the .KMZ or .KML file that you have created.
- To upload the overlay, click on Upload Overlay otherwise click on Cancel to cancel.
- Once the overlay has been uploaded, the SafeZone users can see the bus route in the Buses menu in SafeZone (the screenshot below is for demonstration purposes only)
- If you need to change the bus overlay, click on Change Overlay and repeat steps 2-3.
- If you need to delete the overlay, click on Delete Overlay to delete the overlay
Mobile Devices
The Mobile Devices list displays the vehicle accounts that were created in Register Vehicle User (the screenshot below is for demonstration purposes only)
By default, the vehicle will be added as an Unlabelled Vehicle.
To change the name of the vehicle:
- Enter the name into the Name field;
- A user can also change the name in SafeTrans by tapping on the Change Vehicle Name button and entering in the name on the screen;
- You can also change the vehicle type from a vehicle to a bus and vice versa.
IMPORTANT: Changing a bus to a vehicle will make the bus not visible to the users on the SafeZone app. - Clicking on Details will display the details of the vehicle account.
You can also access the vehicle account details through the User List
Adjusting the details of the vehicle account works in the same way as editing a user's details.
For instructions on how to edit a user's details, please see the guide on Editing a user's details
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