Once you have created your region(s), you can then edit the regions as needed using the Region Editor page. Here you can change the region name, priority and boundary, add floor plans and overlays, set up specific indoor positioning settings and add the region to a region group.
To edit the region details:
- Click on Edit
- To change the Region Name, enter in the new name under Region Name
- If the region has different Polestar NAO settings than the Global Settings - Polestar Nao Settings, enter in the API key in NAO API Key.
- If the region has different Aruba Meridian settings than the Global Settings - Aruba Meridian Settings, you need to enter the following:
- The Meridian API Key: This is the "location ID" from meridianapps.com.
- The Meridian API Token: This is a read/write token generated for that location in meridianapps.com.
- The Meridian Map ID: This is the "Floor ID" from any of the floors in the building and can be found in meridianapps.com
- Click Save Changes to confirm and close the editor menu, otherwise click on Discard Changes to cancel.
- Set the Priority of the region in "Priority"
The priority level tells the system which rules to follow if a user is in two regions at once (e.g. they are both in a building's region and the site where the building is located).
The higher the number, the higher the priority level. So in the example above, the building would have a higher priority than the site. - To allow for the SafeZone app to automatically check-in when a user enters the region tick the box for "Enable automatic check-ins". If it is un-checked, SafeZone app users can only check into the region by manually pressing the Check-in button.
- Click on Save changes to save your changes, click on Discard Changes to discard your changes.
SafeZone/OmniGuard Region Name Options
You can configure how SafeZone and OmniGuard will display the region name to users on the app:
- Display the region name to users (default) - selecting this will display the region name as per the above
- Display the state or province of users location - selecting this will display the state or province of the users' location
- Display the city name of users location - selecting this will display the city name of the users' location
Region Group
To assign the region to a region group:
- Click on the drop-down and select the region group.
A region can be assigned to only 1 region group. The screenshot below is for illustration purposes only. - You can view the region group settings by clicking on the
button to the right. Clicking on the icon will take you to the Region Group Editor page.
- If a region is not assigned to a region group, any alerts generated in that region will go to all OmniGuard and Command users who are signed-in.
- SafeZone automatically saves your changes.
The Map Editor provides the ability to:
- Add floor plans if you have multi-storey buildings and have indoor positioning integrated with SafeZone;
- Add overlays that can provide more accurate information about the environment of your campus (such as fire hydrants, location of First Aid kits and defibrillators) and;
- configure the boundaries of a region.
Overlays are drawings or images which can be placed over the top of a map, to provide more context or information on a map.
Upload Floor Plan
The Upload Floor Plan option is utilised to add an overlay for a building with multiple levels when using the Polestar NAO Cloud indoor positioning system. This is enabled when indoor Bluetooth positioning is activated in the system and will be configured initially by CriticalArc engineers.
To upload a new floor plan:
- Click on Upload Floor Plan
The file format required will be in .zip. These files can be generated from Polestar or Aruba Meridian. - Click on Choose file and select the ZIP file for uploading.
- To upload the file, click on Upload File, otherwise click on Cancel and return to the Region Editor page.
Delete Floor Plan
You can also delete floor plans from Command, which are used by Polestar Nao Indoor Positioning if required.
Important: Once the floor plan has been deleted it is not possible to restore it. You will need to re-upload a new floor plan from scratch.
To delete a floor plan:
- Go to the Region menu page for the floor plan you would like to remove.
- Click on Delete
- Click "Delete Floor Plan" to confirm or "Cancel" to go back.
Edit Overlay Image
Overlay images can be used if you would like to incorporate additional details into your region that the Google Maps image does not account for. These can include the names of buildings on campus, location of fire extinguishers, defibrillators and more.
Editing an overlay image allows you to upload an overlay image and resize or move an existing overlay.
To edit an overlay image:
- Click on Edit Overlay Image
The file format must be in .png format. If you have a different file type, please convert it to a .png before proceeding. - Click on Choose file and select the PNG file for uploading.
- Click on Upload Image to upload the file, otherwise click on Cancel and return to the Region Editor page.
Once the image has been uploaded, you will have the option to re-size and re-position the overlay.
You can also switch the view between Map and Satellite views to adjust the position of the overlay properly.
Transforming and Rotating the Overlay
Tip: It is recommended to transform the overlays before rotating. Tapping on Transform after rotating will revert the overlay back to its original size.
Transforming the overlay allows you to resize and move the overlay across the map background.
To transform the overlay:
- Click on Transform
- To move the overlay, click and hold the mouse button to drag the overlay anywhere inside the object (away from the white dots)
- To resize the overlay, click and drag any of the white dots around the image.
Rotating the overlay allows fine-tuning of the image to fit inside the region. This is handy if the overlay image is rotationally skewed.
Tip: Command is north-oriented by default. Uploading an overlay that is north-oriented will reduce the need to rotate.
To rotate the overlay:
- Click on Rotate
- Drag the blue dot in the slider bar to rotate the overlay:
- Right to rotate clockwise;
- Left to rotate anti-clockwise (counter-clockwise);
Once the overlay image has been uploaded and configured properly, new menu options will appear in the Region Editor screen.
You can set the visibility of the overlay by selecting the option in the Overlay Permissions drop-down:
- OmniGuard Users (default)
- SafeZone and OmniGuard Users
- Public
Edit Region Boundary
Editing the region boundary uses the same steps when creating the region boundary when creating a new region.
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