Tip Reporting is a great way for SafeZone users to report tips/incidents through the SafeZone app. Command users can see these tips at the top of the Command screen by clicking on the Tips menu
These can include the user's name and location as well as any photos they want to take as evidence of their tip. Tips can be made anonymously as well if the SafeZone user enables the anonymous option.
To view the Tip Reporting settings, click on Admin -> Zone Configuration -> Global Settings -> Tip Reporting. Here you can:
- Configure Tip Reporting;
- Edit (existing) Categories;
- Change the order of Categories;
- Configure Tip Escalation Rules;
Configure Tip Reporting
To configure Tip Reporting:
- Click on Edit
- Tick the check-box for "Enable Tip Reporting"
- To enable an audio alarm in Command when a new tip arrives, tick the box for Enable audio alarm in Command when new tip arrives
- You can also change the Feature Name by clicking on the drop-down and selecting the feature name to appear on the SafeZone App
- Click Save Changes to save and close the editor menu, otherwise click on Discard Changes to discard.
Edit Categories
SafeZone comes pre-loaded with default Tip Categories which are used by SafeZone users to specify the type of tip they are reporting. Tip Categories can also be disabled by unticking the "Enabled" check-box.
The list of available Tip Categories appears below the Tip Reporting settings.
To add additional categories:
- Click on Add New Category.
- A new category field will appear.
- Enter in the name of the category (eg Facilities Report).
- By default, the category is set to Enabled which means it can be selected when a SafeZone user wants to report a tip. If you wish to Disable this tip, uncheck the tick box for Enabled
- Click Save Changes to save and close the editor menu, otherwise click on Cancel to discard.
Changing the order of Categories
The order of the categories can be adjusted by clicking and holding onto the tip category bar and dragging the alert category bar into its desired position. This is useful for putting the important categories towards the top of the list.
Tip Escalation Rules
Used in conjunction with the User Groups and Notification Templates features, you can escalate tips to other groups/departments at your organisation. This will allow you to forward tips for damage and repair to your facilities team members and tips for mental health to counsellors or wellbeing teams.
Pre-requisite: It is recommended to create user groups for each group/department so that you can send out notifications to those groups when tips are reported.
For instructions on how to create user groups, please see the guide on User Groups
Pre-requisite: It is recommended to create pre-defined Notification Templates as the escalation rules will automatically send out notifications to the targeted groups without any user interaction.
For instructions on how to create notification templates, please see the guide on Notification Templates.
In the example below, we will create a tip escalation rule for Damage/Repair which will be sent to the Facilities team.
To create a Tip Escalation rule:
- Click on Create New Rule.
- Under Tip category select the tip category this escalation will apply to (eg. Damage/Repair)
- Under Notification template select the notification template that will be sent out.
- Delay specifies the amount of time in minutes before the notification template is sent out. Setting a time of 0 means that the notification is automatically sent out once received.
- Ticking the check-box for Close tip will close the tip once it has been sent out. The Resolution note text box appears if Close tip is checked. Adding in a Resolution note will automatically populate the note field once the tip has been resolved.
- Clicking on Delete will delete the escalation rule.
- Click Save Changes to save and close the editor menu, otherwise click on Discard Changes to discard.
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